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Confirm Your Booking

Please read the details of proposal carefully and advise us of any details that may need amending.

Changes to your booking ( within reason ) can be made up to 7 days prior to your confirmed date.

To confirm your excursion please review the Terms & Conditions below:

  1. Quoted prices may be subject to change as per DRC's adopted Fees & Charges for each financial year.

  2. Groups will be invoiced after their tour OR payment can be made on the day of your visit via cash or EFTPOS.

  3. The minimum amount required to qualify for the group booking rate is 15 paying attendees, even if actual numbers of attendance falls below on the day, the invoice and payment must still reflect the minimum required numbers.

  4. Please ensure you arrive 30 minutes prior to your first tour. If your group is late arriving this may result in shortened tours. Please advise the Caves Office if you are late or delayed.

  5. Still and video photographs for personal memorabilia are permitted to be taken on site. Images should not be taken of staff or the public without their expressed permission. The images taken may not be used or published in any form including, but not exclusively: newspapers, magazines or websites without prior approval form Dubbo Regional Council.

  6. Please ensure that our Tour Guides and facilities are treated with respect at all times and that there is adequate supervision to ensure this occurs.

  7. All attendees of bookings must at all times comply with Safety Regulations, Fire Regulations and Emergency Evacuation Procedures.

  8. We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions without notice.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Bookings cancelled within 7 days and 72 hours prior to your booking will be charged 20% of the booking cancelled.

  2. Bookings cancelled less than 72 hours prior to your confirmed date or if the group does not show up, the Organisation that booked will be charged 100% of the total booking cancelled.

Please select your intended method of payment
Is anyone attending have mobility, sensory, or other special needs so appropriate accommodations can be arranged for their tour ?

Our Administration Officer will send you a copy of your Confirmation and relevant Risk Assessments within 1-2 business days.

Please contact if you wish to make any changes to your booking.

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